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Hydroseal Ef-32

A liquid Felt

It is mainly composed of Ammoniated Stearato copper glycine sulfate, Ammoniated cetyl steary proline, Ammoniated cetyl hydro Alkaline stearato copper glycine sulfate, ammoniated cetyl stearyl Hydroxyproline, 2- amigo pentanedioic acid with different competitive fillers, compatitive Emulsified monomer, Emulsified inorganic napthenate, catalysts, auto catalyst and many more etc. It forms water based felt cast in situ catalytically after use with cement -gum formation properties, used in Damp proofing, Water proofing, An anti-dote to anaerobic algae fungi and germs, Stop water-socking & capillary action of wall.

Characteristics & Advantage

A typical undeterioable liquid-felt cast-in-situ with cement –gum forming property used in damp and water-proofing; perfect alternative of new D.P.C and treatment of problems raised by inactive D.P.C; Damp-proofing of walls caused by capillary action and water-socking; basement treatment upto 30 feet commonly and much more with extra care; water-proofing with repellence treatment of interior side of brick walls of kitchen and bath-rooms before cladding of tiles and plastering; an anti-dote to algae fungi and germs.


Effectively used in both new and old buildings ; water proofing & damp proofing at basement, ground floor,D.P.C Wall, roof, roof gardening etc .


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