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  • +88-01705-411411
  • info@baralchemical.com

about us


Provide the Quality Chemical product and achieved long run business relationship with our honorable Clients


Baral Chemical working with the vision of sound and healthy construction

Chitta Ranjan Baral

From The Founder

Baral Chemical Company Ltd.” are succeed satisfactorily by the invention of scientist and architect Chitta Ranjan Baral, who is also a renowned chemist. In 1995 he got the first international patent (20/94, Int. CI5  E02D 31/02 1002563) and so on under Paris Convention for his outstanding contribution with invented technology of anti-salinity and other products. Salinity, Carbonation, Thermal changes, etc, hence ultimate corrosion- erosion, decay, etc. are the worldwide tremendous problem for construction sector that can be easily and permanently solved by those products. Now the company manufactures different kinds of demandable constructional product in local and ready for the world-wide market.

Baral Chemical Company Ltd.” is the leading and only local manufacturer of building and any other construction oriented Chemicals and materials with extraordinary properties which are claimed better ones in comparison with others in respective field. Manufacturing of various types of building and constructional chemicals such as anti-salinity sealer, concrete admixture with excellence, flexi-cem, cement grouting in stead of water proofing roof, water proofing  liquid felt, cementitious alloy, rust remover, pest-controlling products and any other construction oriented problem solving products which a truly for sound construction and healthy environment.

Chitta Ranjan Baral, a renowned Chemist, Architect and Scientist, is the inventor of these chemicals. He was the first to discover the salinity in-activator chemical and was awarded the Patent internationally in 1995 for his outstanding contribution in accordance with the Paris Convention. Now a day’s Most of the consultants are recommending and maximum construction & developer companies in Bangladesh are using Baral chemical company’s products to their construction. Our products are enlisted in the schedule of Local Govt. Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh Water Development Board(BWDB), Military Engineering Services (MES), Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) , Chittagong City Corporation (CCC), Bangladesh Railway (BR), Khulna University & partially in Public works department (PWD).